Privacy Policy

Please note that not all of the information below will be relevant to all of our websites and social media applications. This privacy policy explains how we use any personal information we collect about you. It applies to all information we collect. People who use our services, eg who subscribe to our mailing list, who place orders for items for sale or tickets to events, who enter our prize draws and other competitions, attend our events and join as members.

Visitors to our websites
When someone visits one of our sites standard internet log information and details of visitor behaviour patterns are not harvested by the Friends. We are not able to personally identify the visitor. But it enables us to gather statistics on such things as number of visitors to the website, most popular pages, how long people stay on the site etc. This information is used to help improve the website and the user’s experience.

What we do with your personal identifiable information
The information you provide to the Friends when contacting us by any means will be added to our database in accordance with the Data Protection Act, upcoming General Data Protection Regulations and this policy. This information may be used for, but is not limited to, purposes such as mailing you newsletters and information about forthcoming events at the gallery and museum, administering membership, informing you of charity news, events and fundraising activities and other related local activities. We aim to keep this information as up to date as possible and ask you to let us know if any of your personal information changes.

We may use data you provide as well as data we hold on your past interest and interaction with the Friends to send you specific information tailored to you. This may include but is not limited to fund raising activities and events, children’s workshops and other local exhibitions and cultural events.

We will never pass it on to anyone, with the exception of third parties such as mailing houses, software suppliers and social media providers to send out information on our behalf, but these third parties are only allowed to use the information for the specific purpose for which the data has been supplied and they must fully comply with the General Data protection act.

People who choose to supply personal identifiable information and are under 18
The information you provide to the Friends will be added to our database and may be used to inform you of charity news and Children’s activities. We do need to share this information with the Museum to enable the continued offer of Free workshops for youth members of the Friends we will not pass this information to any third party with the exception of those specified above.

For Youth members under 18 Parent or Guardian consent will be obtained before any personal information is recorded as detailed above.

Payment processing
To process donations or payments we use cash and cheques, any credit card payments will always be handled by third parties. These companies share PII about specific consumers with third parties, such as banks and credit card processors in order to process transactions. Their privacy policies can be found on their websites.

We are compliant with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard which is a set of EU-wide requirements to enhance credit card data security.

The padlock symbol is displayed whenever personal and payment information is being processed to make you aware that your information is being collected and processed in line with the Data Protection Act. When payment details are collected we use a secure server, as indicated by the prefix HTTPS, to encrypt your financial information. Our database is hosted in a secure data centre. Although these measures are in place we cannot guarantee the security of any information you transmit to us and you do so at your own risk.

Where your information is stored
Information which you submit will be stored securely on computer and in paper form and accurately updated monthly and shared with the following committee members Secretary membership secretary treasurer and chairperson and other committee members as necessary for specific projects. All committee members have agreed to the secure storage of this information and will not share with any outside parties unless with your express permission.

Records for non-members will be deleted after one year. Members who do not renew will be kept on record as non members for one year from their last renewal.

Details of members will be retained according to standard practice to comply with our legal and tax requirements.

Your rights over your data
Under the terms of the Data Protection Act, 1998 and the upcoming EU General Data Protection Regulations, you have the right to object to the use of your data for any of the above purposes. In addition, you have the right to request details of all data we hold on you, and the right to request we remove it entirely.  If you would like to discuss this or receive a copy of your personal information please email or write to us.

Data Protection
We want to make sure that your personal information is accurate and up to date. You may ask us to correct or remove information you think is inaccurate.

How to contact us
If you have any further questions or queries not covered here then please let us know. You can contact us.

Other websites
Our websites contain links to other websites. This privacy policy only applies to this website so when you link to other websites you should read their own privacy policies.

Changes to our privacy notice
We keep our privacy policy under regular review and we will place any updates on this webpage. This privacy policy was last updated in May 2018.
